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Welcome! We are glad that you're here and hope that you'll choose to worship with us this Sunday. It's never easy to visit a new church for the first time so we want to be as helpful as we can to make your experience a good one. So what can you expect during a service?

Time & Duration Sunday worship services start at 10:00 am and last approximately 75 minutes.


Ushers & Greeters - You'll notice that there are some folks standing by the door or at the rear of the Sanctuary. They are available to help you with any questions you may have.

Worship - Our worship music is a blend of upbeat contemporary and slower traditional songs. Everyone worships in his or her own unique way. For some, that means singing loudly, clapping, and raising their hands. For others, it means quietly reflecting on the words. 


Offering - Each week, there is a time to worship God through the giving of tithes and offerings. As a first-time visitor, you are our guest. We do not expect you to give - we want you to sit back and receive. We would appreciate it, though, if you could fill out and place our visitor's card in the offering plate.

Altar Call - Sometimes after the sermon, there is an opportunity to respond to the message. The pastor may invite people to come up to the front for prayer or he may encourage people to stand as we sing a final song. You should do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.


Moms and Dads, we have an unstaffed Nursery in the back of the sanctuary where you can go if you need to break away. However, the room has a large window so that you don't have to miss the service. As we grow our vision is to staff a nursery.


Junior Church - The Junior Church team is led by a young woman who grew up at our church. She has served in Junior Church for 6 years. Here is a word from Tabitha:  

Hi my name is Tabitha Cavalieri and I lead the Junior church for children 4-12 years old. What we try to do during our time together is engage the children in a fun experience that helps them learn God's Word and apply it to their lives. We do this through activities like crafts, games, short videos, and science experiments that illustrate Bible truth. 

Junior church begins after the song worship service in the sanctuary. The children sing with their parents in the sanctuary and once announcements are given, the children are dismissed and led to the classroom. Currently, our Junior Church is not a large group, so we keep all the kids together in one classroom and keep the lessons "age friendly" so that everyone benefits from it. Parents/Guardians are welcome to sit-in the classroom until their child is comfortable. 


After the Service - Please know that even though the service is over, our service to you is not. We are here to help you in any way we can. Feel free to stop by or call anytime.


We look forward to meeting you and hope you enjoy the service!​

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