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Connect People to God and Each OtherRadiant Christian Assembly has the honor of connecting people to God and to one another in a loving and caring setting.  It is our mission to empower people to become disciples of Jesus by learning the Bible and practicing His word.  The word “church” originates from the word “gathering” or “to gather”.  This is why we so strongly cling to the notion that the church is not a building, but rather, the church is actually the believers themselves.  We aim to maintain and foster a comfortable environment for our congregation to gather, build relationships, and demonstrate love.



Worship Worshiping God is central to our gatherings.  We seek to worship God through Bible-centered, Spirit-anointed preaching; inspirational singing; observance of the ordinances (communion and baptism); corporate and personal prayer; study of the scriptures; and the giving of our offerings to the work of the Lord.  For some people, worship is synonymous with music.  But worship is far more than the music that we sing.  True worship actually begins when a person places their faith in the person of Jesus Christ.  True worship then continues as a lifestyle of following and imitating Jesus.  Worship means honoring God by offering our “bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.” (Rom. 12:1).  In fact, every activity we do inside or outside the church can be an act of worship when we do it for the glory and honor of God.

Community - Genuine biblical community means living in caring relationships that are guided by biblical truth and grounded in spiritual accountability.  We are to belong, not just to believe.  Community means moving away from living isolated lives and moving towards connecting with one another in authentic fellowship.  Over 50 times in the New Testament the phrase ‘one another’ or ‘each other’ is used. We are to: Encourage one another (Heb.10:25); Teach, Admonish, and Forgive one another (Col.3:16); Honor and Be Devoted to one another (Rom.12:10); Pray for one another (James 5:13-16); Accept one another (Rom.15:7); Submit to one another (Eph. 5:21); and Serve one another (Gal.5:13).  All of these can only happen as we value community.  Real and lasting life change – spiritual transformation – only occurs in the unity and diversity of authentic relationships.

Growth - Spiritual growth means that over time we are becoming, looking, and acting more and more like Jesus Christ.  True spiritual growth has to do with “being transformed into his likeness.” (2 Cor. 4:18)  What this means is that spiritual maturity is measured as much in our lifestyle as it is in our learning.  A commitment to growth is not easy, because growth means change, and change is difficult.  However, growth means we are living, really living, as the life of Christ is reproduced in our own lives.

Service - Jesus demonstrated that the most influential life is a life of sacrificial service.  Jesus “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mk. 10:45)  Likewise, we believe that we will influence the world for Christ, when we extend that love through our own hands and feet in acts of service to others.  We are saved to serve and service happens when each person uses “whatever gift he has received to serve others." (1 Peter 4:10)

Missions - Jesus gave his church a mission: “To go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matt. 28:19).  We are to be witnesses to the whole world of Christ’s coming, his death for our sins, his resurrection, his ascension, and his promise to return.  Sharing this good news in the power of the Holy Spirit is the responsibility and privilege of every believer in Jesus Christ.  Witnessing is not merely talking about Jesus but also whetting people’s appetites for Christ by the way we live.  We also make a priority of supporting Foreign Missions through our prayers and financial support.


Radiant Christian Assembly is a member of the Assemblies of God network of churches.

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